جميع الاقسام

البريد الإلكتروني:[email protected]

فولفو ECR235EL

إن فولفو ECR235EL عبارة عن حفار متين من شأنه أن يلبي جميع احتياجاتك المطلوبة، وقد تم تصميمه ليكون متينًا حتى تتمكن من العمل بثقة. مزيج من الميزات العديدة المذكورة أعلاه وبراعتهم الرائعة يجعل تقنية Xiancheng الذكية هذه فولفو إي سي آر 145 رائدة في ممارسة عمال البناء.  


We got a very in depth test with the Volvo ECR235EL recently, and learned some cool things about it when putting through its paces. The materials that are used when building this excavator are all high-quality, which makes it very durable and suitable for rough jobs on construction sites. The hydraulic system of the Xiancheng Intelligent lifts means that workers do not have to lift heavy objects very much themselves and therefore makes their work easier. It has a fuel significantly tank larger, allowing volvo ecr 145 to work for a long period without having to stop at the gas station. The feature is very useful as it helps the workers to be more productive and do more activities daily.   

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